2019 KBAC Vendor General Rules for Juneteenth
- Display setup is from 8am -10am
- Event starts at 10:00am and ends at dusk
- Cleanup and packing must be completed prior to 6pm. Vendor will leave the area clean after use and remove everything they brought and return any KBAC provided equipment to original location prior to departing (a $30.00 cleanup fee will be assessed if the space is not returned to its original condition).
- KBAC issued furnishings when available will be distributed on a first come, first serve basis.
- Vendor is responsible for complying with all tax collection laws.
- I agree to keep displays neat and clean and conduct myself in a professional manner.
- I am responsible for my products, belongings and any cash. Please keep valuable items secure and cash within a locked box.
- KBAC reserves the right to prohibit the sale of any item it deems inappropriate at any time, shut down a table or make other requests with which you must comply without refund or compensation.
- The following items are prohibited from being displayed or sold at any KBAC event:
- Items containing depictions of genitalia, or acts that are sexual, cruel, extremely violent, or vulgar in nature, in any media (visual, written or otherwise).
- Items containing discriminatory offensive, inflammatory, libelous, derogatory, copyrighted, or otherwise sensitive elements.
- Weapons, explosives, flammable devices (including lighters), projectile mechanisms of any type are not allowed legal or otherwise.
- Narcotic substances, legal or otherwise.
- Any item prohibited by law.
In consideration for the rights to participate vendor, in acceptance of booth space, releases and discharges KBAC, its officers, agents, directors, workers, volunteers, representatives and members from any and all known and unknown damages, injuries, losses, judgments and claims from any cause whatsoever that may be suffered by any entrant, customer or his or her property. For value hereby received, my option to participate as a vendor I hereby agree and affirm that I am familiar with all the sales tax rules and regulations pertaining to the area and that if any tax money from my transactions is due to any state, city or other taxing authority, I will collect same, file all reports necessary and save KBAC harm from any and all other liabilities with may incur to the club from any of my transactions, be it tax or other liability arising out of my transactions.
For more Juneteenth vendor information, please visit: