KBAC was started as group of concerned and knowledgeable African Americans gathered in the garage meeting area at the home of Apostle James and his wife Alice. We began by having round table discussions about how we can come together, watch out for the interest and matters concerning and surrounding the Black/African American Community and advance our efforts as a part of the growing diversity within the city of Kent and the South King County region, to remain included and involved. We met at places like Kona Kai Coffee, in our early stages to reach out to members of the community who were looking for support in new and varied ways to work with our youth. We are grateful to have had subsequent meetings at the Kent Library downtown and Kent Commons. Thanks for the support of Jeff Watley and other city of Kent staff.
As we continued to meet we made our first task to give our group a name and define what it means and stands for: K.B.A.C:
Kent – This is where those of us who first met principally resided
Black – This is the identity of the members who sat around the table and the call to others who need support and advocacy, as a Black/African American
Action – This is what we will continue to be about…taking action to unify, motivate, encourage, honor, mentor, and strengthen our social network and activities which cause us to be involved
Commission – We develop our values, our By-Laws, and all that pertains to our make-up as an entity with a Legacy to leave behind for our children’s children for days and years to come…we are commissioned to do so
We labored hard and long to make sure that our name was welcoming to those in our Black/African American community. Our responsibility is to make sure that we will not be left out of any of the equations, calculations, or decisions which directly or indirectly affect our lives and the lives of all.
Next, on October 22, 2011, we had our first community event which introduced KBAC and our hope for the future to the community. Our “Launching A Legacy…a Community That Serves and Cares” was a wonderful way and time to introduce the concept to the communities and our local leadership. We invited all of the residents of Kent to stop by and check out what we were looking forward to creating and accomplishing with the help and resources from our fellow community members, and various walks of life. It was an all-day affair which culminated in our time being blessed with words of wisdom from Pastor Vincent and his family from Center of Faith Church; Lawrence Lombard, the founder and caretaker of the African American Cultural Center in downtown Kent; Melvin Tate, our resident community Educator, Leader and column writer for Synrgy, the local contribution which informs and shares information regarding issues which matter and pertain to all people in our region; Apostle James and Apostle Noah represented as our Spiritual Leaders amongst many who shared words of wisdom, hope and joy about our future.
We held our “Action Up Meetings” for the public and our few established members to get a greater understanding of who we are and what we are striving to become…an entity which represents and supports our own Black/African American people who are a vital part of the greater communities in the South King County region. We are bringing issues to the forefront, working toward solutions that directly affect the day-t0-day lives of all. Education, economic development and human services is our focus. Helping others to take ownership and develop leadership skills and acumen for the sake of our sustainability and inclusion.
As we grow, we continue to meet monthly on the fourth Saturday from September through June. In November and December we meet on the third Saturdays due to the holiday season. All meetings are from 3:00 to 6:00 in the Kent Commons.